Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nature Feature

The way of the Coyote is a diliberate walk. Think to the last time you truely listened to the song of birds, take a moment to listen to nature's song and all it has to offer, guarentee you will come away with a twitter in your heart for the subtle sound of the life sustaining soil and ground. I sat today and looked to the clouds thinking I would like to feel the rain they carry, the breeze brushed my face and smell of sweet coolness. Take note of a nature feature and note the feelings it carries.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nothing New

In realizing the movement is not new, and many have traveled the path with nature. A sense of rightness belongs with each thought on how a connection is made. Time with nature is endless, the way in which we allow it to touch our heart and soul that all humans have reached the understanding before. Our ancestory reaches back through our genetic line filled with earth, sun, and water elements that are so rich and telling that we forget all other matters.

Elements, coding our experiences.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Little more about what you can expect...

I don't want people to confuse this blog with an environmental movement, to be frank I think a disconnect from nature can be some of that cause, as well as natural global effects. If you want to save the planet this is not the blog for you, but if you want to save yourself or a few around you, I might have some thoughts.

Another influence was the book Ishmeal by Daniel Quinn, very rooted in my thoughts of life evolution, and spiritual evolution. Another influence you might find here, author being Ken Weber, who is based out of the "Boulder Bubble".

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exchange of Idea

Ok, to start the reason to blog is to share and document the movement. My family, friends and colleges have much to offer and I am going to share my ideas and theirs with you.

It starts with a book...a friend you recently reconnect with offers it to you thinking you have something to gain from the experience.

Something moves you to follow your friends advise and continue to seek out what the world has brought you.

Today mine was Coyote's Guide by Jon Young it will begin the next couple of years discovering how and why we need nature. I invite you on my journey...