Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Conflicts Among... the many

The online scheduled class started weeks ago and just now I am posting again. This is a time of great change in our world, as I move forward the class requires me to post weekly exercises about my observations in nature and some of the difficult challenges that lay ahead. The conflict is in our society, and even within my own life and choices. This is the time to be completely honest and forward about where we stand on the issues, and the limited choices we are able to make. Along with on going heartache for the Gulf Coast and its members of fragile systems we see the webstring ties our delicate world together. I encourage you to look for the webstring in your area that is intact or broken, please take time to comment on what you see, or feel. What choices are you making that may have harsh environmental own is in the clothing industry, made from high end carbon/oil based textiles, shipped across the globe at astonishing rates, that seem to lack some consistancy...this is my reality.