Monday, April 4, 2011

If you only had one day...

This day is not much different and I am too distracted thinking of all the best days to replicate, or mourning knowing this would be the last. If I had one day, I would hope to have no knowledge of past or future, and to only know this day as if it was all I had ever known. Witness the rising of the Sunshine, on the Hills, with golden beams highlighting the Trees and begin to cast grey shadows on the Ground and Grass. The rising Birds for a greeting of song are the sound which lets the world know it is time to experience something new and never before witnessed. This day is a day filled with the potential for new life in the Blossoms opening to the days rays filling with hope of guests to lift nectar and pollen to share and scatter for seeds of future. The heat is soft and wraps around my head neck and shoulders, my body eases lying down. All I can do is listen to the light and the shadows as the sun moves across the Sky. There is no hunger today, no thirst; it is only to bear witness of the life around me. Humanity has no attachment to our scenario, I watch children play, and tease and become sad only to forget why they cry to continue playing with a new sense of life and joy. The string instrument is a hum vibration only brought to full potential in this moment because sound is brief once released, the moment is passed, and only by human hands does the world know such sounds. I forget about my breath, I forget about my body, and I am forgotten I have no past and I have no future, this moment is all I have each day. I reengage my body, I want to see a view from the Mountain; I experience a climb to the top to witness the 360 degrees of zero separation between me and the Sky. It is only on the peak I see where the Earth and Sky meet; it is far away in the distance where you come from. I follow the Sun’s path to the end of the Earth were it meets the Sea, to again witness the sky and ocean meeting it fills with breath and joy of calmness crashing of water collapse on the shore. Watching light settle behind the rim of sea my eyes highlight the Clouds on a memory for another day, to recall because I will not get another day like today.

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